a neverending list of fiction podcasts/audio drama recommendations.
it is organized in alphabetical order by title (*), genre (bastardized by me since i think genre is fake but whatever), and some brief notes about why i think its worth your time.
(*) disregarding βtheβ or any special characters, i start with the first letter.
i have also labelled which have transcripts for episodes, although the content warnings are lacking for the moment. best to look for them yourself as they are typically provided by the creators.
tag list (click to expand)
instructions if you need them
how do i listen to any of these, help!: a guide
<aside> π *i believe that independent audio fiction since the 2010s onwards has been home to some of the most fascinating and diverse stories out there. they deserve to have a wider audience. if you are looking for weird, oddball stories told by weird, oddball creators- stick around.
a lot of these stories are told by those in marginalized communities, be they BIPOC, queer, disabled, you name it- as this medium has less barriers to entry. they work on these passion projects created b in their free time and released to the world for free.
so listen to some and support fringe art. support indie podcasts.*
get stranger.
please keep in mind that i am writing these all from as considered of a perspective as i can, but these recs are all just what i think are good.
letβs be niceys to each other <3
last updated: 28 march, 2024.
ear candy is curated by M.J. (@discocaptain on most platforms). feel free to message me about any of these to chat or give me recs as well <3